Source: WHO

National health workforce accounts data portal

National health workforce accounts data portal
Theme: Health system

Sub Theme: Workforce

Type: Database
Last updated: 2 years ago 38 Views 0 Comments
Country planning cycle database

Country planning cycle database
Theme: Health system

Sub Theme: Health system governance

Type: Database
Last updated: 2 years ago 36 Views 0 Comments
Surveillance system for attacks on healthcare

Surveillance system for attacks on healthcare
Theme: Health system

Sub Theme: Health system resilience

Type: Database
Last updated: 2 years ago 35 Views 0 Comments
The Global Health Observatory NCD's

The Global Health Observatory NCD's
Theme: Wider risk environment

Sub Theme: Non-communicable diseases and risk factors

Type: Database
Last updated: 2 years ago 35 Views 0 Comments
COVID-19 supply portal

COVID-19 supply portal
Theme: COVID-19

Sub Theme: COVID-19

Type: Database
Last updated: 2 years ago 37 Views 0 Comments
Global action plan on antiomicrobial resistance

Global action plan on antiomicrobial resistance
Theme: Prevention

Sub Theme: Antimicrobial Resistance

Type: Policy Document
Last updated: 2 years ago 36 Views 0 Comments