Health Security Sub Theme : Workforce

National health workforce accounts data portal

National health workforce accounts data portal
Theme: Health system

Sub Theme: Workforce

Type: Database
Last updated: 2 years ago 39 Views 0 Comments
Global health workforce statistics

Global health workforce statistics
Theme: Health system

Sub Theme: Workforce

Type: Database
Last updated: 2 years ago 44 Views 0 Comments
Physicians per 1000 people

Physicians per 1000 people
Theme: Health system

Sub Theme: Workforce

Type: Database
Last updated: 2 years ago 40 Views 0 Comments
Nurses and midwives per 1000 people

Nurses and midwives per 1000 people
Theme: Health system

Sub Theme: Workforce

Type: Database
Last updated: 2 years ago 38 Views 0 Comments