Africa CDC RCC Health Security Knowledge Hub

Global and Regional Policies, Guidance, Databases and Resources

Health Security Sub Theme : Workforce

National health workforce accounts data portal

National health workforce accounts data portal

Sub Theme: Workforce
Global health workforce statistics

Global health workforce statistics

Sub Theme: Workforce
Physicians per 1000 people

Physicians per 1000 people

Sub Theme: Workforce
Nurses and midwives per 1000 people

Nurses and midwives per 1000 people

Sub Theme: Workforce
The WHO Global Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery (2021

The WHO Global Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery (2021

Sub Theme: Workforce
Human resource development plan 2017

Human resource development plan 2017

Sub Theme: Workforce
Global strategy on human resources for health: Workforce 2030

Global strategy on human resources for health: Workforce 2030

Sub Theme: Workforce
Working for health and growth: investing in the health workforce

Working for health and growth: investing in the health workforce

Sub Theme: Workforce
Delivered by women, led by men: A gender and equity analysis of the global health and social workforce

Delivered by women, led by men: A gender and equity analysis of the global health and social workforce

Sub Theme: Workforce
Analysis of strategies to strengthen Human ressource 2002

Analysis of strategies to strengthen Human ressource 2002

Sub Theme: Workforce