Africa CDC RCC Health Security Knowledge Hub

Global and Regional Policies, Guidance, Databases and Resources

Health Security Sub Theme : Non-communicable diseases and risk factors

The Global Health Observatory NCD's

The Global Health Observatory NCD's

Sub Theme: Non-communicable diseases and risk factors
National Policy Framework and Strategy on Palliative Care 2017-2022

National Policy Framework and Strategy on Palliative Care 2017-2022

Sub Theme: Non-communicable diseases and risk factors
Report on the Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness survey in Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe

Report on the Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness survey in Masvingo Province, Zimbabwe

Sub Theme: Non-communicable diseases and risk factors
Non-communicable diseases

Non-communicable diseases

Sub Theme: Non-communicable diseases and risk factors
Reproductive health guidelines

Reproductive health guidelines

Sub Theme: Non-communicable diseases and risk factors
National Cancer Strategic Framework-2017-2022

National Cancer Strategic Framework-2017-2022

Sub Theme: Non-communicable diseases and risk factors
Essential Newborn Care Guidelines

Essential Newborn Care Guidelines

Sub Theme: Non-communicable diseases and risk factors
Breast Cancer Screening Guideline February 2020

Breast Cancer Screening Guideline February 2020

Sub Theme: Non-communicable diseases and risk factors
Unit of NCD's and mental health

Unit of NCD's and mental health

Sub Theme: Non-communicable diseases and risk factors
Zambia Home Fortification study 2015

Zambia Home Fortification study 2015

Sub Theme: Non-communicable diseases and risk factors