Health Security Sub Theme : Joint External Evaluation

Migration and data portal

Migration and data portal
Theme: Wider risk environment

Sub Theme: Migration and displacement

Type: Database
Last updated: 2 years ago 84 Views 4 Comments
UNHCR Database

UNHCR Database
Theme: Wider risk environment

Sub Theme: Migration and displacement

Type: Database
Last updated: 2 years ago 40 Views 0 Comments
JEE dashboard

JEE dashboard
Theme: Overall Global Health Security capacities

Sub Theme: Joint External Evaluation

Type: Database
Last updated: 2 years ago 38 Views 0 Comments
Strategic Partnership for Health Security and Emergency Preparedness (SPH) Portal

Strategic Partnership for Health Security and Emergency Preparedness (SPH) Portal
Theme: Overall Global Health Security capacities

Sub Theme: Joint External Evaluation

Type: Database
Last updated: 2 years ago 38 Views 0 Comments
Surveillance system for attacks on healthcare

Surveillance system for attacks on healthcare
Theme: Health system

Sub Theme: Health system resilience

Type: Database
Last updated: 2 years ago 35 Views 0 Comments
Hospital beds per 1000 people

Hospital beds per 1000 people
Theme: Health system

Sub Theme: Health system resilience

Type: Database
Last updated: 2 years ago 36 Views 0 Comments
Trusted travel

Trusted travel
Theme: Response

Sub Theme: Points of entry/travel

Type: Database
Last updated: 2 years ago 36 Views 0 Comments